The following workflow uses Adobe Bridge and is common among many photographers.
1.) if possible, set your camera to capture in RAW and in Adobe RGB (1998) in order to create the highest quality images - although most cameras offer the option to capture simultaneously in RAW and JPEG, this feature only uses up more space and files can easily be batch converted and processed to JPEGs later on
2.) Using Adobe Bridge (a free download from Adobe), create a metadata template as follows:
a.) to create a metadata template, go to Tools in the Bridge toolbar and pull down to Create Metadata Template - you only need to create a metadata template once (NOTE: on a Mac, hold down the Option key and type the letter 'G' in order to create the copyright symbol © )
b.) add as much contact information as your wish to embed in your files, but do not add descriptions, keywords, locations, etc., as this is just a basic template that will be applied to EVERY image you ever create
a.) title the folders according to the client name or project name; i.e., Key West, or Assignment 02, etc.
b.) create separate folders for each file type in order to quickly locate the appropriate files; i.e., Key West RAW, Key West PSDs, Key West TIFFs, Key West JPEGs - you may not have a need for all of these file types, depending upon your output destination
c.) create an ALL folder to store all of these separate folders in order to reduce desktop clutter; i.e., a folder titled Key West ALL would have the corresponding RAW, PSD, TIFF, and JPEG folders inside of it
4.) import and copy your RAW files from your camera SD or CF card to the appropriate RAW folder - Adobe Bridge works well for this process
5.) eject your SD or CF card, open the appropriate RAW folder using Bridge, and add your metadata template and keywords to those images by selecting the images, going to File in the toolbar, and pulling down to File Info... your metadata template will be in the dropdown menu located at the bottom of the popup window
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