Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Creative Portraiture

There are TWO parts to this assignment:
Part 1 - Conceptual Portraits and
Part 2 - Conceptual Self-Portraits


Conceptual photography illustrates an idea. The photography is often staged, as the 'concept' is both preconceived and, if successful, understandable in the completed image.

Conceptual Portraits - two (2) fully-edited conceptual portraits using different camera viewpoints, putting your subject in a unique environment, using props to define your subject, showing different moods or emotions of your subject, using shadows creatively, showing only parts of the subject's body, and using negative space. Edit them as desired, and post them to your Behance account along with your URL link on Canvas.

Conceptual Self-Portraits - create two (2) conceptual self-portraits using different camera viewpoints, putting your subject in a unique environment, using props to define your subject, showing different moods or emotions of your subject, using shadows creatively, showing only parts of the subject's body, and using negative space. Edit them as desired, and post them to your Behance account along with your URL link on Canvas.



1.) Change your point of view; i. e., choose a low viewpoint on the ground, or choose an overhead viewpoint, or get extremely close to your subject (if you have a close-up or macro/micro lens).

(above) Erin by Berit Alits

2.) Put your subject in a different environment; i. e., in the ocean or a pool, behind a window, peeking out behind a door or fence, etc.

3.) Use props as a different viewpoint to look at your subject; i. e., eyeglasses, jars, mirrors, etc.

(above) Julian Oh - The Hunt for Blue September

(above) Arianna Ceccarelli — H U N T

(above) by Giuseppe Mastromatte

(above) Resilient by Ade Santora

(above) Courtney by Berit Alits

4.) Ask your subject to show a different emotion than simply smiling.

(above) by Petko Petkov

5.) Use shadows creatively to frame your subject.

6.) Frame your subject by showing only a portion of her/his face.

7.) Add another person into your portrait.


Photographers were creating "selfies" long before the advent of smartphones with built-in cameras.  By framing an area of background, carefully measuring for focus, and using a timer on the camera or a long cable release, photographers have created self-portraits that speak volumes about their personalities.

Create self-portraits for this assignment that reveal a bit about you. You will find a tripod or a stable stool, table, or ladder to be helpful for supporting your camera while you create your self-portraits.

Here are some examples of self-portraits by well-known photographers:

(above) Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #21, 1977

(above) Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #84, 1978

(above) self-portrait by Lee Miller, 1945
Miller, an American Jew and the only female combat photographer in Europe during 
World War II, photographed herself in Adolph Hitler's bathtub in his captured residence

(above) self-portrait by Yousuf Karsh, 1946
 (above) self-portrait by Lisette Model, 1940's

(above) self-portrait by Vivian Maier, 1950's

(above) Lee Friedlander, 1970

(above) self-portrait of Irving Penn photographing a New Guinea mud man and child, date unknown

 (above) self-portrait from the series "On Being An Angel" by Francesca Woodman

  (above) self-portrait from the series "On Being An Angel" by Francesca Woodman

  (above) "self-portrait talking to vince" by Francesca Woodman

 (above) self-portrait from the series "On Being An Angel" by Francesca Woodman

(above) self-portrait by Richard Avedon, Provo, Utah, 1980

(above) self-portrait by Annie Leibovitz, date unknown
(above) self-portrait by Robert Mapplethorpe, 1988, as he was close to death from AIDS

(above) self-portrait by Mark Seliger, date unknown
 (above) self-portrait from the series "Wallflower" by Corinne Perry, date unknown

  (above) self-portrait from the series "Wallflower" by Corinne Perry, date unknown

  (above) self-portrait from the series "Wallflower" by Corinne Perry, date unknown

  (above) self-portrait from the series "Wallflower" by Corinne Perry, date unknown

(above) self portrait titled "Pulled into faerieland" by Heather Graves

(above) self-portrait by Rachel Baran

(above) self-portrait titled "The ghost in you" by Ted Lee

(above) self-portrait titled "Sleepwalking" by Sarah Ann Loreth

 (above) self-portrait by Jekaterina Nikitina

  (above) self-portrait by Jekaterina Nikitina

(below) several conceptual self-portraits by Flora Borsi


(below) several conceptual self-portraits by Cristina Otero

(below) self-portraits images by various photographers

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