Monday, July 1, 2019

Camera Controls - Depth of Field

Depth of Field Examples

The examples below were created using ISO 400 speed 35mm b&w film and setting the film camera Mode to Aperture Priority. By using aperture priority, the camera selects the proper shutter exposure. Using a digital capture camera with the ISO set at 400 would produce the same results.

The photographs were created on a cloudy day; this was done on purpose so that when using an aperture of f/2.8, the camera would have a fast enough shutter speed to create a properly exposed negative. In bright sunlight at f/2.8, the particular camera did not have a fast enough shutter speed to create a properly exposed image.

Notice, too, that some of the exposures at f/22 required very slow shutter speeds, some as slow at 1/20th of a second. When you have to use a shutter speed this slow, it is recommended that you use a tripod or lean against a sturdy object to brace your camera and thus reduce or eliminate blur caused by camera shake.

Click on an image to see it at a larger size.

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